A Role for STEM Centers for Teaching and Learning in Changing the Teaching Culture
ABSTRACT: The Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS) is a discipline-specific center for teaching and learning, or STEM Education Center (SEC), established to provide a supportive home for tenure- and non-tenure track faculty involved in undergraduate education within the Divisions of Life and Physical Sciences at UCLA. The mission of CEILS reflects a commitment to enhancing student learning experiences through the advancement of teaching excellence, assessment, diversity, and scholarship. CEILS activities focus on the training of new faculty and beginning lecturers in innovative and inclusive teaching methods that support the academic success of our large and diverse student body. By engaging in several national STEM workforce programs, CEILS also provides resources and services promoting the professional development of graduate students and post-doctoral scholars. Central to its entrepreneurial charge, CEILS enhances the ability of the two science divisions to acquire grant funds in support of teaching and learning initiatives. CEILS also collaborates with leadership in campus-wide activities underway to advance the broader teaching mission of the university. For this talk, Dr. Sanders will share examples of ways CEILS leverages its mission to coordinate programming and connect critical stakeholders in a campus-wide effort to shift the teaching culture and create a learner-centered environment for all undergraduate instruction.